About Us

Valery Accessory is a brand of Fiskos Çeyiz

Valery Aksesuar Website Adress is: https://valeryaccessory.com

Fiskos Çeyiz Official Website is: www.fiskosceyiz.com.tr

Fiskos Çeyiz Store in Turkey is: www.fiskosceyiz.com

Fiskos Çeyiz is a private company established in 1999. Since 1999, Fiskos Çeyiz has designed customized products and services in textile business and also sold customizable products in the store of fiskosceyiz.com. We have been working on hand made crochets, cross-stitch products and many Anatolian handmade works. We have been using these handmade products to create new tailored linens, curtains, bedsheets. table cloths. The handwork designs we have been using in these tailor-made products were created by our customers or by their parents or family members. That is why these works were so unique.

After years of handmade works and designs, Valery Accessory was an idea to partner up handmade designers in Anatolia with the designers and manufacturers working on the textile or different fields  in the world. We are here to standardize the handmade works to create quality products and new design opportunities.

To maintain a sustainable value these creators can create, crocheting should not be seen as a side income but these people should earn over a minimum wage to focus new designs, to create new models for you. We believe this is the only way for a sustainable business.

Private Information

In our site your information is evaluated in 3 different bases:

    • The information you send via forms
    • The information due to any product or service sales.
    • Credit cart information

Not: The third party includes a real person or a legal entity.

The information you send via forms

As your request, these information are the messages you send. Any data or information send via forms will be shared by the third parties.

Te contact information you send us via forms will not be used by us for marketing purpose or any other discount coupons unless you directly need any and declare it.

The information due to any product or service sales

After a visitor buy a product or a service in our site, we send this product information like price, address, method of payment to your entered mail. Thi mail is informative and does not have any ads. These mails you entered during sales in our site will not be shared with the third party.

After the purchase, your mail address or cell phone will ot be used to promote our product or services or any other advertisement campaign. These information will not be shared with any third party.

These information in the packaging process will be used to give shipment details to the third party courier company. Otherwise it is impossible to send the products without giving these information. If the courier company use these information or not is determined by the current laws of the country and we do not have any responsibility on this.

Credit Card Information

Credit Card information is not stored in our system and any process is between bank and the third party service provider. It is encrypted. For the credit card payment we use iyzico. İyzico is an online payment service. The company information can be found on the website: https://www.iyzico.com/en/.

Cookies Policy

You can see the cookies we use in our site as a list below. This list is not a static list and will be changed based on the services or other third party codes we use to increase the quality of your user experience as a visitor.
You can reject the cookies if you want but cookies are necessary to improve your surfing experience.